As practicing evidential mediums, Erin and Aditi have the ability to connect the living with spirits on the other side. They can pass on profound and healing messages directly from your loved ones in spirit, in a safe, supportive and intimate setting. During a private sitting, Erin and Aditi tune into spirits (passed over loved ones and spirit guides) who would like to come forth for the client. Spirit impresses their minds and bodies with thoughts, feelings and visions, communicating messages the client needs to hear most at the given time.
This is a private 30- 40 minute sitting conducted over Zoom. Once booked, you will receive a confirmation email. You will be provided timing/date options that you can choose from to meet the mediums for the sitting. The fee for this service is $222.
When booking a sitting it is essential to keep in mind certain facts:
1. Spirit shows up in many ways. It is not essential that the loved one you expect to show up will show up. As mediums an invitation is extended to those in spirit for the sitter, who shows up cannot be controlled. Erin and Aditi trust and believe that those who show up bring forth everything the client needs for their highest good at that time.
2. Spirit believes that everything that the client needs in that time will be revealed and addressed and therefore prompts or questions from the client are not essential. While clients are often eager to ask their loved ones or guides specific questions, it is advised that they do not interrupt the process or quality of work by doing so, and instead remain open to receive. The strongest and most authentic messages are relayed spontaneously. When spirit answers questions without prompting, the experience is much more validating for the client. Towards the end of a sitting Erin and Aditi will check in to see if the client has any specific questions about what has been addressed so far.
3. As mediums, Erin and Aditi aim at providing evidence of spirit existence beyond this physical realm and then pass any messages/ guidance they want to extend to the sitter. Sometimes, some things might make more sense after the sitting is over in the coming days/ months.
4. Not much is commented about the future, because free will exists above all. Spirit does not force or command. They merely comment on past/current happenings, provide messages for healing and guidance. Any suggestions or advice passed on can be accepted or disregarded by the sitter based on their free will.
5. Once the service is booked, we do not offer cancellations. After an appointment is confirmed at a mutually decided upon time and date, only one re-scheduling will be entertained. This is in case of emergencies. However, it is important you e-mail us at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time to have it re-scheduled. You will receive the meeting zoom link once the appointment is confirmed.
In case you have questions, please check the FAQ section of our website before reaching out! Please read the disclaimer on our services at the bottom of our website.